Here you’ll find a list of Writing Help KC’s trusted colleagues who offer editing services for books and academic work. There are also resume/CV specialists listed.
Please mention that Val Cervarich sent you their way!
Jennifer Bradshaw, Balancing Act Edit
Nonfiction book editing
Carly Catt, Catt Editing
Nonfiction book editing and proofreading
Specialties: Psychology, Christian, self-help, and memoir
Katie Chambers, Beacon Point Services
Nonfiction and Fiction book editing
Specialties: Self-help, memoir, and first-time authors
Shaina Clingempeel, Shaina C. Editing & Proofreading
Nonfiction and Fiction book editing
Specialties: Nonfiction—memoir and self-help; Fiction—literary fiction, mysteries/thrillers, sci-fi/fantasy, romance, and more
Joanne Crigamire, Word Woman Proofreading and Editing
Nonfiction and Fiction book editing; Children’s and YA books; Academic/ESOL Author Support
Specialties: Autism topics and psychology
Adina Edelman, EdelmanEdits
Nonfiction and Fiction book editing
Specialties: Memoir, self-help, fantasy/sci-fi, middle-grade, and literary fiction
Jessica Hatch, Hatch Editorial Services
Nonfiction and Fiction book editing
Specialties: Nonfiction—memoir and self-help; Fiction—women's fiction, LGBTQ fiction, and historical fiction
Laura Kaiser, Word Haven Editorial
Nonfiction book editing
Specialties: Self-help, memoir, wellness, and business
Kim Ledgerwood, The Right Word
Nonfiction book editing
Erin R Lund, Sunshine Editorial Services
Nonfiction book editing
Specialties: Self-help, memoir, and female business owners/authors
Jen Tolnay, Jen Tolnay Editorial and Writing Services
Nonfiction copy editing; Children’s book editing; Content writing
Specialties: Health and wellness
Tiffany White, Writers Untapped
Fiction book editing
Specialties: Sci-fi/fantasy, women’s fiction, and YA
John Acker, John Acker Editing and Consulting
Specialties: Academic editing; Personal statements
Joanne Crigamire, Word Woman Proofreading and Editing
Academic/ESOL Author Support
Specialties: Autism topics and psychology
Andrew Donlan
Specialties: Academic editing and research support; Nonfiction book editing
Tom Sullivan, Sullivan Wordsmithing
Specialties: Academic and technical editing
John Acker, John Acker Editing and Consulting
Specialties: CVs/Resumes for academics
Alana Henry, The Writique
Specialties: Mid-level and Executive resume packages
Laura Pope, Edit with Dash
Specialties: Entry-level and Mid-level resume packages