Writing Help KC Launch Party Recap
Writing Help KC Launch Party Recap
The Writing Help KC, LLC Launch Party was a success! On February 15, 2020, several friendly faces joined the celebration of Writing Help KC’s journey. I’m so grateful for all of the love and support from my family, friends, and colleagues. The party gave me more confidence about this new phase of my writing and editing career.
It was so fun to catch up with everyone over delicious food and beverages. The door prizes were a hit, and you all were extra generous in providing books for Reach Out and Read-KC. A heartfelt thank you to everyone!

Another big thank you is in order for all of the donors who contributed door prizes. Everyone seemed very excited about their prizes. I also loved that I could highlight the amazing services and products from my fellow businesswomen. A round of applause for these ladies (and the famous dog author)!
Marisa Wiruhayarn from Tasty Thai/Primal Cry
Molly Kuplen Photography
Hannah Billings from Cake on a Stick
Stylist Lauren Gardner
Jennifer and Peeta Schalhoub, authors of The Bullied Breed
Shout out to my dear friend, Katherine Walter, for being our event photographer. The photos are lovely. And to Chris Cribb, the manager broker at ReeceNichols Parkville, thanks for letting us host in the office event space.
Don’t worry if you missed out on the Launch Party. Learn more about Writing Help KC’s writing and editing services and determine how we can collaborate.
Until next time,
Val Cervarich
Writing Help KC, LLC